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S-t-r-e-t-c-h it out


Updated: Dec 26, 2023

Stretching is a word often described as something we need more of. Not only does YOGA help you stretch, it also incorporates ACTIVE & PASSIVE stretching. Now you're asking yourself well what's the difference ???

Passive stretching : "While active stretching focuses on using one muscle group to stretch another, passive stretching uses an external force to provide the pull for the stretch. The resistance pull can either be provided by another part of your body, by a partner, or by an object. Similar to active stretching, you hold the position for a period of time." Active stretching : "Active stretching is a method of improving flexibility. It involves active contracting of one muscle (the agonist) as a way to stretch an opposing muscle (the antagonist), with no external force. Active stretching is also often referred to as static active stretching — which means nonmoving — because the end position of the stretch is held for a set amount of time. But instead of holding your stretch using a prop, such as a strap or band, you’re simply holding the stretch with other muscles. This is why it’s called static active stretching.

These stretches are commonly held for 10–15 seconds. One example of active stretching is lying on your back on the floor and lifting a straight leg to the ceiling until you feel your hamstring stretch. Holding that position without a strap requires active work from your hip flexors and core to keep your leg in the air, while your hamstrings — the muscles on the opposite side of the hip joint — are statically stretching." Why is stretching so important ? Stretching increases blood flow to muscles, joints, tendons, nerves and ligaments, which can help decrease joint/muscle stiffness and pain. It can also assist with soft tissue repair and creation. Stretching helps prevent injury as it prepares the body for movement and aids in restoring the body following intense strengthening/cardio/movement. Many people now suffer from joint aches and pains, back issues and poor mobility. Stretching daily is proven to increase your ROM ( range of motion), flexibility and elasticity, while it helps decrease stiffness, soreness and tension". Listed below are my top 10 favourite YOGA stretches, I recommend you practice these daily!

  1. Forward Fold - Uttanasna

  2. Downward Facing Dog - Adho Mukha savasana

  3. Lizard Lunge - Utthan Pristhasana

  4. Low Lunge - Anjaneyasana

  5. Butterfly Pose - Bound Angle Pose

  6. Cobra - Bhujangasana

  7. Camel Pose - Ustrasana

  8. Wide Legged Forward Fold - Prasarita Padottanasana

  9. Head To Knee Pose - Janu Sirsanasana

  10. Child's Pose - Balasana


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