We often hear this term in the health and fitness world, but what does it truly mean?
"The core is the part of the human body located between the pelvic floor and diaphragm, and its main job is to hold and protect your spine. The core muscles hug the spine, almost like a hand would squeeze a tube of toothpaste, taking pressure off the body. These muscles, and there are many of them in this area of your musculature, work hard together to achieve balance in your spine."
"Besides being a primary stabilizer of the body, another reason the core muscles are different from other muscles is because they move across three planes of motion. Rather than being restricted to only moving in certain directions, they work together as a three-dimensional whole to support and stabilize you as you pile them with work every day. They anticipate and react to stress on the body and are able to work together to balance the load."
Now that you're informed, lets get to building your core with YOGA! Listed below are my
Top 10 core building YOGA ASANAS:
1) Boat Pose - Navasana
2)Cat/Cow Pose - Majaryasana Bitilasana
3)Four limb staff pose - Chaturanga
4) Plank Pose - Phalakasana
5)Crow Pose - Kakasana
6)Side Plank Pose - Vasisthasana
7)Dolphin Pose - Ardha Pincha mayurasana
8)Chair Pose - Utkatansana
9)Camel Pose - Ustrasana
10)Headstand- Sirsasana
My last core building secret is TWISTING... "A twist is a pose in where there is a rotation of the spine and torso. Twisting Poses are used to build strength in your core muscles, as well as increase the range of motion of the spine. Twists are great neutralizing poses that help to rebalance the body after a series of back bends or forward bends.
Twists penetrate deep into the core of the body to wring out toxins in the internal organs and providing them with fresh, oxygenated blood. Twisting sequences have the power to create space in the hips, spine, and shoulders. They are also great for improving muscular balance and coordination. Practicing twists helps calm the nervous system but can also give you an energy lift through decompressing the spinal column and relaxing the muscles around the spine. Each twist has its own unique set of challenges and benefits to the body, mind and spirit."
BUILD YOUR BEST CORE WITH ME ~ Contact me to get started!
- Yogitheexplorer
(Quoted texted sourced ; Core Muscles | Orthopedic Blog | OrthoCarolina ; Twisting Yoga Poses • Yoga Basics)